Steers peak at £1,520 for 795kg at Dungannon Mart

A similar entry of stock saw steers peak £1,520, 795kg Limousin (191.00).

Heifers cleared to £1,310, 700kg Limousin (187.00).

Dropped calves peaked at £360 Limousin bull and heifers calves to £300 Limousin.

Weanling males sold to £860, 425kg Limousin (203.00).

Weanling heifers sold to £855 for a 395kg Belgian Blue (217.00).


Steer prices topped at £1,520, 795kg Limousin (191.00) presented by G H Carroll, £1,480, 715kg Charolais (207.00), £1,470, 730kg Charolais (201.00), £1,460, 700kg Charolais (209.00), £1,435, 710kg Charolais (202.00); T Lagan £1,455, 705kg Limousin (206.00), £1,430, 710kg Charolais (202.00), £1,355, 655kg Limousin (207.00); A Holland £1,430, 705kg Limousin (203.00); B Hackett £1,245, 605kg Charolais (206.00), £1,140, 560kg Charolais (204.00); D Litter £1,025, 470kg Limousin (218.00); J Gormley £1,010, 500kg Shorthorn (202.00), £1,005, 415kg Charolais (242.00), £955, 455kg Charolais (210.00), £890, 420kg Charolais (212.00), £865, 430kg Charolais (202.00), £860, 420kg Simmental (205.00); P Doran £985, 480kg Belgian Blue (205.00) and l Donnelly £960 450kg Limousin (213.00).


Heifer prices sold to a height of £1,310, 700kg Limousin (187.00) presented by S Hopper; R Black £1,220, 645kg Limousin (190.00), £1,150, 600kg Limousin (192.00); W Ferguson £1,180, 580kg Limousin (204.00); L Donnelly £1,070, 540kg Limousin (198.00), £1,010, 505kg Limousin (200.00); D Litter £995, 510kg Simmental (195.00); M Donaghy £980, 425kg Charolais (231.00), £900, 380kg Charolais (237.00); E Daly £935, 460kg Charolais (203.00), £920, 485kg Charolais (190.00), £890, 465kg Aberdeen Angus (191.00), £875, 440kg Charolais (199.00), £865, 415kg Limousin (208.00), £860, 420kg Charolais (205.00) £845, 435kg Charolais (195.00), £750, 390kg Charolais (192.00); C McFarland £930, 475kg Limousin (196.00); D Jennings £900, 470kg Charolais (192.00); J Gormley £890, 450kg Charolais (198.00), £850, 405kg Charolais (210.00), £810, 385kg Charolais (210.00), £800, 390kg Charolais (205.00), £790, 410kg Charolais (193.00); D and R Moffett £880, 440kg Limousin (200.00); D Litter £800, 420kg Belgian Blue (191.00) and W McAdam £725, 375kg Aberdeen Angus (194.00).


An great entry of calves was met with one the dearest sales this year so far to peak at £360 Limousin bull presented by B O’Neill, £350 Limousin bull, £340 Limousin bull, £300 Limousin bull, £255 Limousin bull; C Loughran £350 Hereford bull, £320 Hereford bull; K Darling £350 Limousin bull; C Dixon £325 Limousin bull, £325 Blonde d’Aquitaine bull, £300 Limousin bull, £250 Limousin bull; J Quinn and Sons £315 Limousin bull, £300 Limousin bull, £255 Limousin bull; P and T McCaughey £310 Aberdeen Angus bull, £300 x 2 Aberdeen Angus bulls, £290 Aberdeen Angus bull; S McMullan £300 Aberdeen Angus bull; V McReynolds £275 Aberdeen Angus bull, £225 Hereford bull; S Donaghy £270 Belgian Blue bull; E McVeigh £250 Limousin bull; P Carberry £245 Limousin bull; E Fox £235 Hereford bull; B Hughes £225 Aberdeen Angus bull and R Park £225 Hereford bull.

Reared Friesian bulls sold from £80 to £225.

Meanwhile heifer calves peaked at £300 for a Limousin heifer presented by B O’Neill; C Dixon £295 Limousin heifer, £270 Limousin heifer, £230 Blonde d’Aquitaine heifer; S McMullan £275 Aberdeen Angus heifer, £255 Aberdeen Angus heifer, £245 Aberdeen Angus heifer, £225 Aberdeen Angus heifer; J Quinn and Sons £260 Limousin heifer; V McReynolds £240 Aberdeen Angus heifer; P and T McCaughey £235 Aberdeen Angus heifer, £220 Aberdeen Angus heifer; B Hughes £235 Aberdeen Angus heifer; R Park £235 Belgian Blue heifer and P Carberry £220 Limousin heifer, £210 Limousin heifer, £200 Limousin heifer.


A similar entry of weanlings saw quality not as good as of previous weeks with male calves selling to a height of £860 for a 425kg Limousin (202.00) presented by P O’Hagan; J O’Neill £840m 400kg Blonde d’Aquitaine (210.00); K Cullinan £790m 305kg Charolais (257.00), £745, 310kg Limousin (241.00), £725, 300kg Limousin (240.00), £680, 275kg Charolais (246.00); I McKee £715, 285kg Limousin (248.00), £695, 310kg Limousin (225.00); T Muldrew £660, 255kg Hereford (256.00), £595 x 2 255kg Hereford (232.00), £585 x 2 265kg Herefords (220.00).

Weanling heifers cleared to £855, 395kg Belgian Blue (217.00) presented by J McAuley, £750, 370kg Simmental (202.00), £705, 315kg Simmental (224.00), £650, 320kg Charolais (203.00); J O’Neill £765, 380kg Blonde d’Aquitaine (202.00), £720, 350kg Blonde d’Aquitaine (205.00), £705, 315kg Blonde d’Aquitaine (224.00); J Weir £705, 310kg Charolais (228.00), £690, 310kg Charolais (224.00), £680, 270kg Charolais (251.00), £675 270kg Charolais (251.00), £655, 245kg Charolais (267.00), £600, 255kg Charolais (234.00); F and A Donaghy £700, 300kg Charolais (232.00), £675, 325kg Charolais (208.00), £655, 320kg Charolais (205.00), £635, 295kg Charolais (215.00), £610, 280kg Charolais (219.00) and T Muldrew £630, 290kg Hereford (215.00).