Breeding bulls selling to £2,260 at Clogher Mart

An exceptional entry of cattle in Clogher Mart, Saturday, May 4 sold to a very firm demand in all sections.

Highlights this week include breeding bulls selling to £2,260 for pedigree Limousin.

Dairy cows to £1,950, suckler outfits to £1,900, beef cows to £1,681.50, cow heifers to £1,447.50, fat bulls to £156 per 100kg fat steers overage steers to £181, fat steers underage to £200, fat heifers overage to £200.

Fat heifers underage to £202, in the store rings forward steers sold to £1,450 for 820kg, medium weights to £1,110 for 460kg, (£241), forward store heifers to £1,230 for 610kg and selling to £224 per 100kg for a 530kg Charolais to £1,165.

Medium weights to £1,090 for 450kg, weanling males sold to £1,110 for 410kg Charolais (£271).

Weanling heifers to £965 for 390kg Charolais (£247) and selling to £284 per 100kg for a 310kg Charolais to £880.

Reared bulls to £795, reared heifers to £680, young bull calves to to £500 for Charolais.

Young heifer calves to £405 for Limousin.

Leading prices for beef cows and cow heifers in the fatstock ring as follows: Corranny producer 750kg Charolais to £193 (£1,447.50) Beragh producer 640kg Charolais to £192 (£1,228.80) and 780kg Charolais to £184 (£1,435.20) Ballygawley producer 720kg Limousin to £192 (£1,360.80) Mayobridge producer 650kg Limousin to £189 (£1228.50) and 760kg Limousin to £177. Dromore producer 680kg Charolais to £183. Dungannon producer 870kg Charolais to £181 (£1,538.50), Ballygawley producer 670kg Limousin to £180. Fivemiletown producer 840kg Belgian Blue to £180 (£1,512), Dungannon producer 950kg Charolais to £177 (£1,681.50).

Other quality lots sold from £142 to £175 per 100kg.

Second quality lots sold from £120 to £140 per 100kg.

Well fleshed Friesian cows sold from £112 to £122 per 100kg.

Plainer lots sold from £87 to £118 per 100kg.

Poorer types sold from £68 to £82 per 100kg.


770kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £156 (£1,201.20), 970kg Limousin to £134. 1,070kg Aberdeen Angus to £133 (£1,423.10), 860kg Limousin to £130. 840kg Holstein to £126. 940kg Charolais to £120. 840kg Holstein to £104.


730kg Aberdeen Angus to £181. 880kg Charolais to £175. 620kg Limousin to £174. 730kg Hereford to £172. 980kg Limousin to £148. 510kg Dexster to £134.


600kg Charolais to £200. 620kg Simmental to £195. 470kg Charolais to £192. 640kg Belgian Blue to £192. 580kg Limousin to £187. 540kg Limousin to £187. 580kg Belgian Blue to £186. 630kg Charolais to £182. 520kg Limousin to £180.


640kg Charolais to £200. 490kg Charolais to £196. 610kg Charolais to £196. 540kg Limousin to £196. 550kg Limousin to £196. 630kg Charolais to £195. 670kg Simmental to £186. 670kg Limousin to £180. 720kg Fleckvieh to £170. 730kg Friesian to £168.


480kg Charolais to £202. 530kg Charolais to £200. 620kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £197. 570kg Limousin to £196. 500kg Limousin to £190. 660kg Limousin to £186. 610kg Simmental to £184. 530kg Hereford to £168. 660kg Friesian to £157.


A good entry sold to a steady demand with forward lots selling to £1,450 for a 820kg Aberdeen Angus £1,400 for 810kg Aberdeen Angus £1,400 for 790kg Aberdeen Angus and £1,305 for a 790kg Aberdeen Angus to a Derrylin producer. R I Smyth, Pomeroy 800kg Charolais to £1,415, 810kg Charolais to £1,405, 680kg Charolais to £1,375 (£202), 730kg Charolais to £1,370, 770kg Charolais to £1,350, 710kg Limousin to £1,330, 660kg Charolais to £1,295 (£196) and 740kg Charolais to £1,290. J Coary, Dungannon 720kg Charolais to £1,380. J Lendrum, Fivemiletown 720kg Charolais to £1,375, 700kg Charolais to £1,345, 720kg Charolais to £1,325, and 690kg Charolais to £1,310. F O’Kane, Trillick 730kg Charolais to £1,350. T D Willis, Dungannon 700kg Aberdeen Angus to £1,305.


M McAnespie, Omagh 460kg Limousin to £1,110 (£241), D McManus, Roscor 440kg Charolais to £1,035 (£235) and 410kg Limousin to £1,020 (£249), E McCaffery, Tempo 500kg Charolais to £990 (£198), 470kg Charolais to £990 and 450kg Charolais to £930. E A Black, Cookstown 500kg Charolais to £985. S Erskine, Ballygawley 480kg Charolais to £980, 450kg Charolais to £955 and 470kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £865. C Maguire, Brookeborough 460kg Aberdeen Angus to £920. J W Ferguson, Eskra 490kg Hereford to £905, 460kg Aberdeen Angus to £900, 450kg Hereford to £870 and 440kg Hereford to £850. P Fox Omagh, 480kg Limousin to £890 and 500kg Limousin to £875.


D McManus, Roscor 340kg Charolais to £845. S Erskine, Ballygawley 400kg Charolais to £840.


A very keen demand in this section with forward lots selling to £1,230 for a 610kg Aubrac (£201), 650kg Limousin to £1,210 and 600kg Limousin to £1,140. J Coary, Dungannon 630kg Charolais to £1,200. M Trimble, Maguiresbridge 600kg Simmental to £1,185 and 720kg Simmental to £1,150. F Donnelly, Armagh 610kg Limousin to £1,180, 560kg Limousin to £1,130 and 550kg Limousin to £1,130. I S Farrell, Fivemiletown 570kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £1,170, 590kg Charolais to £1,145, 580kg Charolais to £1,145 and 610kg Charolais to £1,140. C Gillis, Coalisland 520kg Charolais to £1,165 (£224), W McKittrick, Armagh 620kg Simmental to £1,150 and 640kg Simmental to £1,140. P McVeigh, Dungannon 570kg Charolais to £1,130. B McGirr, Fintona 560kg Aberdeen Angus to £1,110.


M J Tunney, Leggs 450kg Limousin to £1,090 (£242), C Gillis, Coalisland 450kg Limousin to £1,065 (£237) and 450kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £995. W G Hoey, Fivemiletown 480kg Charolais to £1,015, 440kg Charolais to £965, 430kg Charolais to £880 and 420kg Limousin to £870. L Donnelly, Galbally 470kg Limousin to £990. W McKittrick, Armagh 490kg Simmental to £990. C Pickering, Warringstown 430kg Limousin to £945. Rosslea producer 480kg Charolais to £930, 470kg Limousin to £920 and 450kg Charolais to £910. D Hamill, Belfast 460kg Simmental to £880. P J McWilliams, Seskinore 460kg Aberdeen Angus to £875.


D Hamill, Belfast 390kg Belgian Blue to £890. W G Hoey, Fivemiletown 400kg Limousin to £845. B Chambers, Portadown 390kg Simmental to £840 E McCaffery, Tempo 400kg Charolais to £830, 350kg Aberdeen Angus to £815, 380kg Charolais to £815. K McCaffery, Tempo 380kg Charolais to £755 and 370kg Charolais to £740. B Campbell, Crumlin 360kg Shorthorn beef to £725, 360kg Charolais to £675 and 340kg Charolais to £645. J McGleenan, Armagh 330kg Charolais to £695, 310kg Simmental to £645, 280kg Simmental to £635, and 300kg Simmental to £600. W Elliott, Derrygonnelly 350kg Belgian Blue to £665. T McClean, Dungannon 320kg Limousin to £655, 290kg Limousin to £640 and 290kg Simmental to £600.


A very keen demand in this section with steers and bulls selling to £1,110 for a 410kg Charolais (£271), 410kg Limousin to £1,030 (£251), 440kg Charolais to £1,010 and 440kg Charolais to £995 for M McClave, Rosslea. D McDonald, Carrickmore 490kg Limousin to £1,075. J Dickson, Aughnacloy 500kg Blonde d’Aquitaine to £1,070. R Leonard, Magheraveely 400kg Limousin to £1,040 (£260) and 400kg Limousin to £990. J F McKenna, Augher 420kg Limousin to £1,035. B Collins, Brookeborough 410kg Limousin to £1,030. M L Nugent, Augher 450kg Charolais to £1,025 and 410kg Charolais to £985. M Lennon, Augher 450kg Charolais to £1,000. D McLaren, Omagh 390kg Limousin to £995 (£255), Kesh producer 390kg Charolais to £995, 380kg Charolais to £990, 440kg Charolais to £980 and 420kg Limousin to £980. S F Farry, Trillick 370kg Charolais to £980 (£265) and P McBrien, Fermanagh 430kg Charolais to £975.


P Mulligan, Newtownbutler 390kg Charolais to £965 (£247), Pomeroy producer 420kg Charolais to £965 (£230), 390kg Charolais to £945. B Collins, Brookeborough producer 500kg Charolais to £950. M McClave, Rosslea 390kg Limousin to £945 (£242), H Crawford, Newtownbutler 360kg Limousin to £940 (£261) and 350kg Limousin to £890 (£254), F Breen, Kinawley 470kg Charolais to £920. S Mellon, Fintona 380kg Charolais to £915 and 470kg Charolais to £885. J P O’Rourke, Rosslea 390kg Charolais to £910. W Downey, Magheraveely 510kg Charolais to £900. E McAnenley, Ballygawley 410kg Limousin to £900. J McQuaid, Fivemiletown 350kg Charolais to £895. S McKenna, Clogher 350kg Charolais to £895 (£256) and 310kg Charolais to £880 (£284), D A Hamill, Belfast 340kg Limousin to £875 (£257) and R Leonard, Magheraveely 370kg Limousin to £870.


A brisk demand in this section with Banbridge producer Andrew Brown selling a calved heifer to £1,950. W Bloomer Dungannon £1,800 for a second calver. Brookeborough producer £1,710, £1,480 twice and £1,380 for calved heifers. Several others sold from £900 to £1,180. Maiden heifers sold to £710 and £650 for a Fintona producer.


A Donaghy £2,260 for pedigree registered Limousin born 19/11/2016 with £1,570 for another born 05/06/2017.


Another good entry sold to a keen demand with an Augher producer selling a second calver with a bull calf to £1,900. Sixmilecross producer £1,710 and £1,700 for heifers with heifer calves. Garvary producer £1,700 for 2015 cow with heifer calf. Dungannon producer £1,690 for 2012 cow with bull calf, £1,470 for 2011 cow with heifer calf and £1,305 for 2010 cow with heifer calf. Keady producer £1,680 for second calver with bull calf. Armagh producer £1,680 for heifer with bull calf, £1,600, £1,545 and £1,310 for heifers with heifer calves. Castlederg producer £1,550 for heifer with heifer calf. Clogher producer £1,480 for heifer with heifer calf. Portadown producer £1,430 for third calver with heifer calf. Several others sold from £1,050 to £1,260. Incalf cows and heifers sold £1,190, £1,100, £1,010 and £1,000.


313 lots in this section sold to a good steady demand with bull calves (under two months) selling to £500 for a Charolais to B Mallon, Eglinton. S Montgomery, Dungannon £365 twice for Aberdeen Angus. Trillick producer £340 and £300 for Charolais. S Milligan, Brookeborough £325 for Aberdeen Angus, J Scott, Maguiresbridge £315 for Charolais, A Patrick, Newtownstewart £295 for Aberdeen Angus, T Lester, Killylea £290 for Limousin and T Irwin, Fintona £290 for Simmental.


S McCaffery, Trillick £405 for Limousin, P A and J Grue, Lisnaskea £365 for Charolais, Trillick producer £335 for Charolais, J Scott, Maguiresbridge £330 for Charolais, B McCullagh, Greencastle £320 for Charolais, T Irwin, Fintona £295 for Simmental. D I Hoey, Maguiresbridge £290 for Limousin and D McCormick, Maguiresbridge £290 for Belgian Blue.


L McCaffery, Belcoo £795 for Charolais, Gary Quinn, Lisburn £715 and £560 for Limmousins and £530 for Belgian Blue. D McKernan, Dungannon £670 for Belgian Blue. E McCaffery, Tempo £640 for Charolais, P McGirr, Ballygawley £585 for Limousin, M/S R S and M McKee, Saintfield £580 for Aberdeen Angus, W D Bothwell, Fivemiletown £490 for Belgian Blue. P Rodgers, Tempo £490 for Belgian Blue. B McCullagh, Greencastle £455 for Charolais


J P Macauley, Kinawley £680, £570, and £495 for Charolais. C McCarroll, Clogher £600 for Charolais, £500 for Simmental and £455 for Belgian Blue. P Donnelly, Irvinestown £550 for Belgian Blue. W J Lucas, Armagh £450 for Aberdeen Angus, S Montgomery, Dungannon £425 for Aberdeen Angus, S McCaffery, Trillick £405 for Limousin.