Kilrea Young Farmers' Club to travel to Malawi

The Mayor, Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan, congratulates (from the left) Adam Alexander, Nichola Greer, Thomas Gordon, Elizabeth Patterson and Amy Thompson on their forthcoming visit to ZombaThe Mayor, Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan, congratulates (from the left) Adam Alexander, Nichola Greer, Thomas Gordon, Elizabeth Patterson and Amy Thompson on their forthcoming visit to Zomba
The Mayor, Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan, congratulates (from the left) Adam Alexander, Nichola Greer, Thomas Gordon, Elizabeth Patterson and Amy Thompson on their forthcoming visit to Zomba
Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan, Mayor of the Causeway Coast and Glens Council, met five members of Kilrea Young Farmers' Club who will be travelling to Malawi in July to work on an Orphan Support Centre at Chipalawe near Zomba.

The volunteers, Adam Alexander, Nichola Greer, Thomas Gordon, Elizabeth Patterson and Amy Thompson, were congratulated by the Mayor on their initiative.

She said: “I welcome the commitment these young people are showing; I am sure their experience in Zomba will enrich not only the welfare of the children they are helping, but also their own lives.”

The project to construct the Orphan Support Centre was funded as a partnership between Hazelbank Presbyterian Church and the Zomba Action Project (ZAP), with Kilrea ‘Get up and Go’ Walking Club being a major contributor to ZAP.

The existing Orphan Support Centre at ChipalaweThe existing Orphan Support Centre at Chipalawe
The existing Orphan Support Centre at Chipalawe

The volunteers are currently raising funds to help them with their travel costs to Malawi; if you want to support them, there will be a table quiz in the Manor Hotel, Kilrea on 1st April, commencing 8pm.