New board member for British Wool's Welsh Northern Region

Huw Evans newly elected British Wool Welsh Northern board memberHuw Evans newly elected British Wool Welsh Northern board member
Huw Evans newly elected British Wool Welsh Northern board member
The result of the recent board member election in the Welsh Northern Region is that Huw Evans, who farms in Rhyd-y-main, Dolgellau, has been elected to the British Wool's board for a three year term beginning on 1 April.

Huw Evans has represented Meirionnydd on the British Wool Welsh Regional Committee since 2008 and has been the North Wales Regional Chairman since 2011.

Farming in partnership with his wife and helped by the youngest of their three sons, they have a flock of Welsh Mountain sheep selling finished lambs and draft ewes for breeding in autumn as well as a herd of pedigree Welsh Black cattle.

On notification of the election results, Huw said “Thank you for electing me as the Welsh Northern Board Member for British Wool. I was delighted to receive the news and am very grateful for this opportunity. I’m looking forward to fulfilling this role as board member and working with producers in North Wales.”

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