2018 Nuffield Farming Scholarship applications open

The application process for 2018 Nuffield Scholarships is now open, and prospective scholars are being encouraged to apply well in advance of the 31 July deadline.

With a bursary to £7,000 available as well as a vast network of scholars around the globe, a Nuffield Scholarship is often referred to as a life-changing experience.

2015 scholar, Dafydd Saunders-Jones explains how his scholarship has enriched his life.

He said: “I was awarded my scholarship in 2014, on the topic of the eradication of bovine TB in Europe, which is a subject that’s very close to my heart.

“All scholars are given the opportunity to travel for at least eight weeks during the 18-month study period. I chose to mainly stay within Europe, to find out how other countries, similar to our own, have tackled TB. Upon my return, I prepared a report and presented my findings to the industry at the Nuffield conference in November.”

Dafydd’s study has been a real life changer, the global tour introduced him to a wealth of inspirational and resourceful people that not only helped with his study, but also continue to help him in his career.

He added: “Most recently I met with the Welsh government cabinet secretary for agriculture, to discuss my findings, and she’s already used the report in a question time session regarding TB.”

The scholarships lend themselves to motivated individuals with a passion for their industry. So, if you want to make a difference and develop yourself as a person, then make sure you apply.

“It’s good to challenge yourself and expand the mind,” he said.

Mike Vacher, Nuffield director, looks forward to seeing applications from passionate individuals that are keen to broaden their horizons.

He said: “Although the application deadline isn’t until 31 July 2017, I’d recommend applying as soon as possible, we can put you in contact with scholars such as Dafydd, who can provide first hand advice and give you a wider understanding of exactly what the Scholarship entails.”

No formal or academic qualifications are prerequisite for a Nuffield Scholarship, but all applicants must be aged between 22 and 45 years old and have been involved in farming, food, horticulture, rural or related industries for at least two years.

To find out more and apply for a Nuffield Scholarship, please visit www.nuffieldscholar.org or contact the Nuffield Trust on 01460 234012.

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