Marts: Bullocks selling to £2554 per head at Ballymena Mart

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Thursday 20th June 2024: A respectable entry of 271 cattle in Ballymena on Thursday resulted in a steady trade.

Beef cows to 281p, Friesian cows to 182p and beef heifers to 302p.

Topping the sale was a beef bullock at 309p for 780kg into £2410 and top per head for a Charolais 890kg at £2554 and Friesian bullocks to 235p for 750kg at £1762.

Beef cows

Ballymena Livestock MartBallymena Livestock Mart
Ballymena Livestock Mart

N Rafferty, Swatragh Limousin 830kg £2332 (281), C Alexander, Glenarm Limousin 590kg £1545 (262), A and D McAfee, Bushmills Limousin 730kg £1868 (256), 830kg £2091 (252), R Calwell, Ballycarry Limousin 710kg £1696 (239), B McClean, Armoy Limousin 640kg £1523 (238), T Rodgers, Broughshane Limousin 570kg £1356 (238), S Rea, Ballyclare Saler 580kg £1345 (232), K Minford, Crumlin Limousin 610kg £1403 (230) and S Rea, Straid Simmental 740kg £1702 (230).

Friesian cows

D Forsythe, Cloughmills 730kg £1328 (182), D Marcus, Glenarm 600kg £1020 (170), Jackson’s, Ballynure 640kg £1068 (167), B McConnell, Doagh 670kg £1112 (166) and local farmer 550kg £907 (165).


Top per head

J Brennan, Knockloughrim Charolais 890kg £2554, A McDevitt, Limavady Limousin 780kg £2410, O McGuinness, Greysteele Belgian Blue 770kg £2348, A McDevitt, Limavady Charolais 770kg £2271 x2, W Allen, Shankbridge Simmental 800kg £2264, R Thompson, Mosside Charolais 760kg £2242, J Brennen, Knockloughrim Charolais 800kg £2240, J McKeague, Ballycastle Charolais 870kg £2235, J Brennan, Knockloughrim Charolais 800kg £2232, W Allen, Shankbridge Simmental 800kg £2224 and A McDevitt, Limavady Charolais 730kg £2211.

Top per kg

A McDevitt, Limavady Limousin 780kg £2410 (309), R McIvor, Cookstown Charolais 680kg £2094 (308), Limousin 680kg £2094 (308), G Murdock, Broughshane Limousin 710kg £2172 (306), O McGuinness, Greysteele Belgian Blue 770kg £2348 (305), A McDevitt, Limavady Charolais 730kg £2211 (303), G Murdock, Broughshane Blonde d'Aquitaine 650kg £1956 (301), T Beattie, Ballymoney Limousin 670kg £2003 (299), G Murdock, Broughshane Belgian Blue 710kg £2122 (299), 650kg £1937 (298), R McIvor, Cookstown Limousin 700kg £2079 (297), T Beattie, Ballymoney Blonde d'Aquitaine 670kg £1983 (296), R Thompson, Mosside Charolais 760kg £2242 (295), andA McDevitt, Limavady Charolais 770kg £2271 (295) x2.


H and B Doherty, Randalstown Limousin 570kg £1721 (302) G Murdock, Broughshane Charolais 690kg £2070 (300) H and B Doherty, Limousin 550kg £1595 (290) Limousin 590kg £1693 (287) T Galloway, Belgian Blue 640kg £1728 (270) local farmer Charolais 580kg £1566 (270) Belgian Blue 620kg £1667 (269) Limousin 560kg £1484 (265) S Blaney, Ahoghill Limousin 620kg £1624 (262) D and H Gregg Abondance 690kg £1794 (260) Abondance 570kg £1482 (260) S Blaney, Charolais 610kg £1573 (258) C McCroary, Broughshane Belgian Blue 550kg £1397 (254) S Blaney, Limousin 520kg £1320 (254) and D and H Gregg, Abondance 630kg £1587 (252) Abondance 680kg £1713 (252).

Friesian bullocks

B Gribben, Dunloy 750kg £1762 (235) 790kg £1824 (231) 760kg £1748 (230) G Rowney, Ballynure 650kg £1423 (219) M Glass, 490kg £1043 (213) 480kg £1017 (212) 490kg £1009 (206) and A McNair, Ballyclare 680kg £1319 (194) M Glass, 440kg £844 (192) 400kg £764 (191).

Friday 21st June 2024: Dairy cows - Dairy stock sold to £1800 paid twice for second calvers. In calf heifers to £1650.

D Patton, Newtownards Holstein £1800, D and M McGregor, Muckamore Holstein £1800, K Craig, Ballyclare Holstein £1650, £1550, D Patton, Newtownards Holstein £1500 and K Craig, Ballyclare Holstein £1500.

Suckler cows

Bulls reached £2850 for a Charolais bull from L Clarke, Portaferry and Sucklers to £2860 for a Limousin with a bull calf from L George, Nutt's Corner.

L George, Nutt's Corner Limousin and bull calf £2680, J McKillop, Cushendall Limousin and bull calf £2100, B Millar, Randalstown Limousin and heifer calf £2050, S Wilson, Ballynure Saler and bull calf £1600, M Hamilton, Comber Hereford and heifer calf £1500, J McKinley, Bushmills Aberdeen Angus and bull calf £1500 and B O’Kane, Greysteel Saler and bull calf £1500.


338 lots in the calf ring sold to £900 for a five month old Hereford bull, younger lots to £650 for a Shorthorn beef.

Heifer calves to £615 for a strong Belgian Blue.


D McNeill, Rathkenny Hereford £900, WD McCarthy, Belgian Blue £765, Belgian Blue £755, RA Hill, Islandmagee 2x Belgian Blue £740, D McNeill, Abondance £735, JR McNeilly, 2x Belgian Blue £715, McGookin Farming, Belgian Blue £650, local farmer, Shorthorn beef £650, JR McNeilly, Randalstown 2x Abondance £620 and JR McNeilly, 2x Belgian Blue £605, Belgian Blue £600, Belgian Blue £590.


WD McCarty, Kircubbin Belgian Blue £615, Belgian Blue £575, S and A Saunderson, Glenwherry Belgian Blue £570, WD McCarthy, Belgian Blue £570, S and A Saunderson, Limousin £560, D Marcus, Glenarm Charolais £550, S and A Saunderson, Simmental £540, JR McNeilly, Belgian Blue £530, D McNeill, Belgian Blue £520, RA Hill, Belgian Blue £510, WD McCarthy, 2x Belgian Blue £480, RA Hill, Belgian Blue £470, I Cruikshanks, Abondance £465 and JR McNeilly, Abondance £455 and G Crooks, Shorthorn dairy £450.

Friesian bulls

D Feeney, 4x £365, R Manson, Kells £300, G Wilson, 5x £290, A McNair, Ballyclare 4x £270 and A Getty, 2x £260.



0 to 300kg

H Crawford, Carnalbana Charolais 290kg £1460 (503) D Davidson, Ballymena Limousin 270kg £910 (337) S Wilson, Ballynure Charolais 260kg £850 (326) D Wilson, Carrickfergus Saler 230kg £750 (326) D McNeill, Belgian Blue 260kg £820 (315) D Davidson, Limousin 300kg £890 (296) local farmer, Limousin 300kg £890 (296) SW Kirkpatrick, Blonde d'Aquitaine 300kg £860 (286) S McCracken, Randalstown Charolais 300kg £860 (286) D Wilson, Carrickfergus Limousin 280kg £770 (275) R Devlin, Toomebridge Limousin 290kg £770 (265) ED McCorry, Hereford 290kg £710 (244) Hereford 210kg £500 (238) D Cousley, Abondance 300kg £660 (220) and RJ McDowell, Gleno Abondance 290kg £555 (191).

301 to 350kg

G Simms, Gleno Belgian Blue 340kg £1380 (405) H Crawford, Carnalbana Charolais 310kg £1120 (361) Charolais 350kg £1250 (357) B Devlin, Toomebridge Charolais 310kg £1000 (322) M Montgomery, Kells Limousin 330kg £1020 (309) Limousin 340kg £1010 (297) M McKeever, Ballymoney Limousin 350kg £1020 (291) D Davidson, Limousin 320kg £930 (290) M McKeever, Charolais 350kg £1010 (288) D McNeill, 3x Abondance 330kg £950, 2x Abondance 350kg £1000 (285) and D Johnston, Abondance 350kg £1000 (285).

351kg and over

S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 360kg £1160 (322) H Crawford, Carnalbana Charolais 360kg £1160 (322) G Calwell, Clough Charolais 410kg £1270 (309) Charolais 440kg £1320 (300) S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 360kg £1070 (297) G Calwell, Charolais 450kg £1330 (295) Charolais 470kg £1365 (290) S Douglas, Charolais 410kg £1170 (285) G Knowles, Gracehill Limousin 460kg £1300 (282) local farmer, Limousin 360kg £970 (269) D McNeill, 2x Abondance 380kg £1000 (263) B Devlin, Limousin 360kg £920 (255) SW Kirkpatrick, Glenavy Blonde d'Aquitaine 370kg £940 (254) and local farmer, Limousin 370kg £940 (254) Limousin 360kg £905 (251).


A smaller show of 163 weanlings sold to 503 pence per kg for an exceptional 290kg Charolais heifer at £1460, stronger heifers to 406 pence for a 340kg Belgian Blue at £1380.

Lightweight males to 421p for a 290kg Charolais at £1220, stronger lots to 406p for a 340kg Charolais at £1380.


Up to 300kg

H Crawford, Carnalbanagh Charolais 290kg £1220 (420), D Davidson, Ballymena Limousin 290kg £1200 (413), S G Simms, Gleno Belgian Blue 270kg £970 (359), T Stewart, Cairncastle Aberdeen Angus 300kg £1030 (343) x2, Limousin 300kg £1020 (340), J and D Colgan, Ballycastle Limousin 210kg £690 (328), B Devlin, Toomebridge Charolais 270kg £880 (325), G Knowles, Gracehill Limousin 270kg £880 (325), J and D Colgan, Ballycastle Charolais 280kg £885 (316), 270kg £850 (314), D Wilson, Carrickfergus Saler 300kg £940 (313), J and D Colgan, Ballycastle Limousin 290kg £905 (312), D Wilson, Carrickfergus Saler 300kg £920 (306) and D Johnston, Antrim Belgian Blue 270kg £825 (305).

301 to 350kg

H Crawford, Carnalbanagh Charolais 340kg £1380 (405), 350kg £1380 (394), S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 320kg £1250 (390), H Crawford, Carnalbanagh Charolais 310kg £1210 (390), 350kg £1300 (371), D Wilson, Carrickfergus Limousin 310kg £1060 (341), T Stewart, Cairncastle Aberdeen Angus 330kg £1080 (327), N McAuley, Ballycastle Charolais 310kg £980 (316), M McKeever, Ballymoney Charolais 350kg £1030 (294), D Wilson, Carrickfergus Limousin 320kg £940 (293), M McKeever, Ballymoney Charolais 320kg £940 (293) and N McAuley, Ballycastle Charolais 340kg £970 (285).

Over 351kg

S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 360kg £1370 (380), H Crawford, Carnalbanagh Charolais 360kg £1350 (375, S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 400kg £1450 (362), Limousin 370kg £1300 (351), G Calwell, Clough Charolais 400kg £1390 (347), S Douglas, Limavady Charolais 400kg £1350 (337), G Calwell, Clough Charolais 430kg £1410 (327), H Crawford, Carnalbanagh Charolais 430kg £1400 (325), G Calwell, Clough Charolais 430kg £1390 (323), P Shannon, Glenavy Charolais 460k £1455 (316), J and D Colgan, Ballycastle Charolais 360kg £1110 (308), S G Simms, Gleno Belgian Blue 360kg £1090 (302), G Calwell, Clough Charolais 480kg £1450 (302) and T Stewart, Cairncastle Aberdeen Angus 360kg £1080 (300).

Tuesday 25th June 2024: 120 store cattle in Ballymena on Tuesday resulted in a terrific trade.

Bullocks sold to £1110 over for a Limousin 590kg at £1600 from S Carmichael, Moneymore.

Heifers sold to £1335 over for a Charolais 590kg at £1925 presented by PL McKeag, Millisle.


Top per kg

0kg to 500kg

PL McKeag, Millisle Charolais 430kg £1320 (307) B Steele, Glarryford Charolais 440kg £1290 (293) Charolais 490kg £1380 (281) W McNeilly, Abondance 370kg £1040 (281) S Carmichael, Moneymore Abondance 420kg £1160 (276) W McNeilly, Toomebridge Charolais 420kg £1110 (264) Abondance 350kg £900 (257) 380kg £970 (255) S Rafferty, Ahoghill Saler 430kg £1095 (254) J and G Hamilton, Broughshane Belgian Blue 390kg £990 (253) W McNeilly, Charolais 380kg £950 (250) Abondance 370kg £920 (248) and R Neeson, Abondance 500kg £1235 (247).

500kg and over

PL McKeag, Charolais 590kg £1925 (326) Charolais 580kg £1735 (299) Charolais 630kg £1880 (298) Charolais 660kg £1930 (292) 620kg £1790 (288) C Ferris, Charolais 600kg £1700 (283) PL McKeag, Charolais 530kg £1450 (273) Charolais 570kg £1540 (270) C Ferris, Charolais 670kg £1800 (268) B Steele, Glarryford Charolais 540kg £1430 (264) and S Rafferty, Ahoghill Shorthorn 530kg £1390 (262).


Up to 500kg

P and P Scott, Templepatrick Limousin 470kg £1400 (297), Hay Bros, Ballycarry Simmental 440kg £1260 (286), 410kg £1170 (285), S Wilson, Ballynure Limousin 460kg £1310 (284), W McBurney, Moorfields Charolais 420kg £1190 (283), R Neeson, Toomebridge Belgian Blue 430kg £1200 (279), 390kg £1085 (278), Hay Bros, Ballycarry Simmental 410kg £1140 (278), S Wilson, Ballynure Belgian Blue 450kg £1250 (277), Limousin 430kg £1190 (276), J and G Hamilton, Broughshane Belgian Blue 420kg £1160 (276), W Moore, Templepatrick Aberdeen Angus 430kg £1180 (274), S Wilson, Ballynure Hereford 450kg £1235 (274), W McBurney, Moorfields Limousin 440kg £1190 (270), G D Graham, Kells Stabiliser 370kg £1000 (270) and S Wilson, Ballynure Blonde d'Aquitaine 370kg £1000 (270).

Over 501kg

S Carmichael, Moneymore Limousin 590kg £1600 (271), W Moore, Templepatrick Aberdeen Angus 520kg £1345 (258), P and P Scott, Templepatrick Belgian Blue 510kg £1290 (252) and D Johnston, Glenarm Aberdeen Angus 550kg £1390 (252).

An entry of 2252 sheep in Ballymena resulted in a much easier trade.

Fat lambs sold to 644p for 23 Texels 21.5kg at £138.50 from L and K Beacom, Kircubbin and to a top per head of £159 for a 27.5kg Texel presented by F Mawhinney, Bellaghy.

Fat ewes sold to £230.

Fat lambs (1808)

Top per kg

L and K Beacom, Kircubbin 23 Texel 21.5kg £138.50 (644) H McCracken, Ballywalter 26 Texel 22kg £140 (636) B McGookin, Ballyclare 11 Texel 21kg £133 (633) RJ McWhinney, Portaferry 15 Texel 23kg £144.50 (628) T Bulter, Ballycastle 3 Texel 21.5kg £135 (627) H Hall, 6 Texel 23kg £143.50 (623) S Hall, Larne 14 Texel 23kg £143.50 (623) S Agnew, Ballyclare 30 Texel 22.5kg £140 (622) F McKendry, 10 Texel 21.5kg £133 (618) A White, 5 Texel 21.5kg £133 (618) A Beggs, Larne Crossbred 21kg £130 (617) D Strange, Ballyclare 9 Texel 23kg £142 (617) C McEldowney, 5 Texel 24kg £148 (616) F Mawhinney, 2 Crossbred 19.5kg £120 (615) B McCroary, Broughshane 15 Texel 20kg £123 (615) J Forsythe, Islandmagee 4 Charollais 20kg £123 (615) R Mawhinney 1 Texel 20.5kg £126 (614) W McBurney, Moorfields 8 Texel 21kg £129 (614) S Rainey, Ballygalley 3 Texel 22kg £135 (613) and J McQuiston, 19 Texel 22kg £135 (613).

Top per head

F Mawhinney, Bellaghy 1 Texel 27.5kg £159, S Patterson, Carrickfergus 1 Texel 26.5kg £154, JV Kelly, Maghera 5 Texel 27kg £150, A Kennedy, Ballymena 2 Texel 25.5kg £150, E Drummond, Ballynure 2 Texel 25kg £149, C McEldowney, Draperstown 5 Texel 24kg £148, Charollais 27kg £148, WR and JR Dunn, Ballyclare £148, A and J Currie, Ballyclare 4 Texel 26kg £148, N Rafferty, 5 Texel 26kg £148, WA Hagan, Ballyclare 11 Texel 24kg £146, local farmer, Ballyclare 1 Charollais 25.5kg £146, RJ McWhinney 15 Texel 23kg £144.50, J McMaster, Ballycarry 12 Charollais 25kg £144, C McEldowney 2 Rou 25.5kg £144, L Gordon, 1 Dorset 28kg £144, SJ Duncan, 1 Crossbred 28kg £144, S Hall, Larne 14 Texel 23kg £143.50, H Hall, 6 Texel 23kg £143.50, S Wallace, 7 Suffolk 24kg £143, M Magill, Glenarm 2 Texel 24kg £142, J McFall, Broughshane 7 Texel 24kg £142, P Donnelly, 2 Suffolk 24kg £142 and E Steede, Cullybackey 1 Hampshire 32.5kg £142.

Fat ewes (444)

First quality

Suffolk - £150-£188

Texel - £190-£230

Crossbred - £95-£132

Blackface - £60-£90

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