Young farmers display flair for photography

Ashleigh Johnston, Collone YFC, first place in the 2019 YFCU photographic competitionAshleigh Johnston, Collone YFC, first place in the 2019 YFCU photographic competition
Ashleigh Johnston, Collone YFC, first place in the 2019 YFCU photographic competition
Members of the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster (YFCU) embraced the challenge of photographing the beautiful countryside in a bid to win the 2019 YFCU photographic competition.

Sponsored once again by Emerald Isle Recycle, this year’s theme was ‘Colour in Our Countryside’.

James Speer, YFCU president, commented: “We believe this competition recognises this next generation of talented young photographers and helps them grow and flourish. With this competition we also aim to encourage young people to experiment using digital or traditional methods of photography to show interpretation of their chosen topic and express their ideas through the medium of photography.”

With over 300 entries the judges were wowed by the creative images that were captured showcasing the stunning countryside in all its natural glory.

Congratulations to the winners: First place, Ashleigh Johnston, Collone YFC, second place, Luke Kinniard, Ballymiscaw YFC and third place, Erin Gregg, Spa YFC.

Well done to everyone who took part.