Suffolk females head for Ballymena mart sale

Stephen Sufferin SJS Group who will jointly sponsor this years show and sale of pedigree Suffolk females along with VOLAC, pictured with members of the NI Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society.Stephen Sufferin SJS Group who will jointly sponsor this years show and sale of pedigree Suffolk females along with VOLAC, pictured with members of the NI Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society.
Stephen Sufferin SJS Group who will jointly sponsor this years show and sale of pedigree Suffolk females along with VOLAC, pictured with members of the NI Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society.
All roads lead to Ballymena Livestock Market on Monday evening (November 14th) for the annual show and sale of Suffolk females organised by the Northern Ireland Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society.

An outstanding offering of 90 females, including in-lamb ewes and ewe lambs from some of the renowned pedigree Suffolk flocks in Northern Ireland, are set to go under the hammer.

The consignment includes the dispersal of the Drumaslaggy Flock of RA & RJ Rea, Co. Tyrone who offers for sale 26 quality in lamb ewes. William Mongtomery of the renowned Smiddiehill flock will have a major reduction sale with 24 in lamb ewes on offer.

In all seven of the Province’s top breeders will be represented including Newwells (L&D Aiken), Donrho (P Donnelly), Forkins (A R Gault), Fort (JS Hamilton), Leitrim (D&A McNeilly), Tullywinney (P McVerry), Smiddiehiill (W Montgomery).

A total of 78 ewes in-lamb to leading sires such as the £12,000gns Baileys Paddy Power, the 10,000gns Mountford Mustang, Limestone Will Griggs on Fire purchased for £2,500gns, Lakeview Whats Wanted purchased - Stirling 2016, Smiddiehill Tornado & Smiddiehill Classic, the £2,300gns Birness Brexit purchased - Stirling 2016, Lakeview Heeza Lord, Safaddan Sapphire which has bred lambs to £6,500, Forkins Fandago, Derryloman Jaysmith and Balquhain Benghazi are being offered for sale.

The Donrho and Tullywinney flocks of Patrick Donnelly and Patrick McVerry are offering for sale a consignment of 12 ewe lambs.

Judge for Monday evening’s sale, kindly sponsored by Volac and SJS Group, is the Northern Ireland Branch Chairman Lesley Liggett. Judging will commence at 6pm followed by the sale at 7pm. Catalogue available at or by contacting Orla on 07841117252.

The Northern Ireland Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society will hold their AGM on Tuesday 29th November at 8pm in Dungannon Rugby Football Club.