Bullocks sell to £1,280 at Rathfriland Co-Op

The high prices of the previous week were maintained and even excelled on Friday for a larger entry.

The heavy bullock sold to £1,280 for a 664k Limousin and to 217p/k for a 522k Limousin at £1,130 both from a Carnew farm.

Lighter bullocks sold to 221p/k for a 382k Aberdeen Angus at £845 from Ballyward.

Over 100 weanlings cleared up to 288.5p/k for a 260k Charolais at £750 from Castlewellan.

A second Charolais 266k sold at £725 for the same producer.

A Leitrim farmer sold a 276k Limousin at £765 or 277.2p/k.

Store heifers showed the largest price increase.

A Jerrettspass farmer sold two Limousins ie, 386k at £840 or 217.6p/k and 308k at £670 or 217.5p/k. Heavy heifers sold to £1000 and 194p/k for 516k at £1,000.

A special entry of suckler heifers with calves at foot sold to £1,100 for a Ballynahinch farmer.

Another good entry of dropped calves sold to £345 for a Hereford bull from Katesbridge.

Heifer calves sold to £305 for a Belgian Blue from Lisburn.


Katesbridge farmer: Hereford bull £345. Corbally farmer: Hereford bull £315. Lisburn farmer: Belgian Blue heifers £305. Hillsborough farmer: Belgian Blue bulls and heifers £300, £285, £275 and £225. Ballykeel farmer: Hereford bulls and heifers £265, £255, £250, £240 and £225. Clough farmer: Belgian Blue bulls £230, £220. Ballyholland farmer: Simmental £235, £230. Tyrone’s Ditches farmer: Aberdeen Angus heifer £225. Dromore farmer: Limousin bull £220.


Clanmaghery farmer: 388k at £920, 408k at £875, 362k at £865, 394k at £850, 408k at £825, 352k at £820. Letrim farmer: 364k at £900, 376k at £900, 368k at £805, 276k at £765, 312k at £745, 288k at £755, 314k at £720. Loughbrickland farmer: 390k at £885, 384k at £800, 394k at £790. Sheeptown farmer: 320k at £665, 234k at £535, 302k at £665, 230k at £495, 170k at £430. Hillsborough farmer: 338k at £720, 340k at £720, 340k at £715. Gilford farmer: 298k at £705. Castlewellan farmer: 260k at £750, 266k at £725, 264k at £615.


Rathfriland farmer: 524k at £1,000, 540k at £1,000, 490k at £915. Hillsborough farmer: 458k at £900, 518k at £900, 428k at £810. Jerrettspass farmer: 388k at £810, 386k at £840, 308k at £670. Tullyniskey farmer: 490k at £900, 462k at £830. Shinn farmer: 490k at £915.


A special entry of freshly calved heifer from from Ballynahinch sold at £1,100, £1,070, £1,070, £1,090, £1,050 and £1,000 etc. A Charolais bull 740k sold at £1,070.


Carnew farmer: 664k at £1,280, 686k at £1,270, 522k at £1,130, 694k at £1,080. Shinn farmer: 636k at £1,255. Hillsborough farmer: 640k at £1,140, 598k at £1,115, 530k at £690. Ballyward farmer: 382k at £845. Balinsakeagh farmer: 556k at £1,030. Ballydrummond farmer: 554k at £1,030 etc.

A much larger entry of sheep on Tuesday evening saw 35 spring lambs sell to 486.5p/k for 18.5k at £90 from Killowen with a top of £109 for an Altnadue farmer.

A smaller entry of hoggets sold in a much improved trade to 452p/k for a Drumlee farmer with 21k at £95.

Over 200 fat ewes sold to £109 for 2 lots from Ballynafern and Ballymageough.

A larger entry of 76 ewes with lambs at foot sold to £190 followed by £185 and £180 for a Mayobridge farmer.


Dromara farmer: 25k at £106.50. Ballymartin farmer: 25k at £105. Gransha farmer: 29.5k at £105. Katesbridge farmer: 27.8k at £105. Dromara farmer: 29k at £105. Ballynahinch farmer: 28k at £105. Other producers from Banbridge, Kilkeel and Mullaghdrin all received £105 or hoggets. Drumlee farmer: 21k at £95. Carginagh farmer: 23k at £102. Kilcoo farmer: 22k at £94. Greencastle farmer: 24.4k at £104.


Ballynafern farmer: £109. Ballymageough farmer: £109. Annaclone farmer: £107. Kinallen farmer: £106. Lisnacree farmer: £103. Cranfield farmer: £103. Ballymageough farmer: £103. Ballyward farmer: £101. Kilkeel farmer: £100. Drumarkin farmer: £100. Donaghmore farmer: £100.


76 ewes with lambs at foot sold to £190, £185 and £180 etc from Mayobridge. Warrenpoint farmer: £170, £170 and £160.

Ewes with singles to £152.

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